Two-time Olympic figure skating champion Maxim Trankov fell ill with bilateral pneumonia, he published a photo of the medical report on his Telegram channel. According to the athlete, his entire family is sick now.
I think we can put an end to this. The whole family got sick together, the diagnoses were slightly different, the virus gave complications, some were “luckier” than others. But there is no need to worry anymore , – wrote Trankov.
Earlier, Olympic figure skating champion Roman Kostomarov said that he had been struggling with phantom pains for a long time after limb amputation using medications. According to him, medications helped to reduce the unpleasant sensations. Now, according to the figure skater, he can cope without medications, but what still scares him more than the pain is his own reflection in the mirror.
In addition, it was reported that actor Boris Shcherbakov suffered from pneumonia. The actor’s condition worsened after undergoing surgery, which was necessary due to an unfortunate fall. Shcherbakov was urgently hospitalized on December 5 at the Fyodor Inozemtsev City Clinical Hospital with serious facial injuries. He was diagnosed with skull and facial fractures.