Producer Alexander Tsekalo, who left for the US, gave his first interview in several years, answering Super’s questions on VKontakte. He stated that he is not going to divorce his fourth wife Darina Ervin, and also assured that he has not sold his real estate in Moscow.
We are doing great. Unfortunately for some, we are not planning to get divorced. It is funny to watch how people never tire of making up gossip about us. It is even funnier that many “friends” have already managed to show their condolences so warmly, as if they had been waiting for this their whole lives , – the artist stated .
Regarding the capital’s mansion, Tsekalo recalled that he left it to his ex-wife Victoria Galushka and children. The ex-wife later sold it, but the producer, according to him, had nothing to do with it.
Earlier it became known that Alexander Tsekalo earned 3.8 billion rubles in 2023. According to media reports, the artist, who moved to the United States, is the founder of seven companies registered in the Russian Federation: he owns 45% of the film company Sreda i KO, which earned 110 million rubles last year with a net profit of 22 million rubles. In addition, the showman owns 60% of the Sreda company, whose income reached 3.8 billion rubles with a net revenue of 907 million rubles.
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